5 Keys to Getting the Best Performance From Your SEO Supplier

The aim of this article is not to downgrade SEO Agencies, or indeed give the impression that search optimisation is a waste of time. The issue it addresses is that most clients and businesses need to better understand how organic listings can be setup successfully, not just an income stream for a SEO agency or […]

The Pointlessness of Real-Time Analytics

It is easy to get seduced by real-time numbers. When you work on a website, all the visitors are remote, often relegated to numbers in a spreadsheet or weekly report. So real time analytics can seem like the perfect answer – you can see what visitors are doing RIGHT NOW on your website. Look, there […]

Digital Marketing Strategy – A Recipe for Success?

Building a successful digital marketing strategy is key to a successful online business and website. Simply doing a few of the “right” things won’t cut it in today’s competitive online marketing world. One can liken it to having all the ingredients to make the best lasagne in the world, however if you do not follow […]

The Most Important Digital Marketing KPIs

What is worse than not measuring anything on a website? When you use the wrong measures! Most business owners know they need to analyse their AdWords and Analytics, but normally they choose the wrong ‘key performance indicators’, and end up measuring rainfall with a thermometer (or the digital equivalent). The challenge is that there is […]

The Truth About Google Enhanced Campaigns for Adwords

Those who use Pay Per Click a lot, have got used to work-around solutions to try to squeeze the best value out of this medium. After all, that’s what optimisation is all about. One of the most frustrating areas has been managing mobile advertising – if we wanted a specific mobile message and campaign we had […]

Successful Content Marketing: Think Like a Journalist, Then Apply SEO

So, it’s likely that someone has recently leaned over the ‘digital’ table to you and whispered a sweet nothing in your ear… ‘Content Marketing, it’s the future of SEO, dontcha know?’ In fact, we’d go a little further than that – content marketing is SEO right now and, on top of that, it’s also a […]

The Facebook Post Mark Zuckerberg Would Love to Write

Howdy, fellow Facebooker Greetings from your maker. Do you Facebook? Of course you do, and so do I. I Facebook every single day, it makes me more connected and complete. Life is wonderful in Facebook, spend yours here too! Anyway, I have heard your voice, spidered your posts, scanned your photos and imprinted your wall […]

Google+ is Only Just Getting Started

The common response to a sea-change in a maturing industry can be very predictable, and this is true of the Internet as much as it is the ‘offline’ world because, as we’ll discuss later this month – users of these services are real people too! This is true when it comes to social media too. […]

Prioritise Your Twitter Marketing, It’s ‘Winning’ the Social War

With all the brouhaha of the Facebook IPO, it’s easy to look at Facebook and think that it’s sitting pretty atop the social space: more time on site, more visits, more users… surely, it must be only a matter of time before Zuckerburg dominates everything? Well, firstly let’s terminate one misconception: there is not going […]

Why You Need a Mobile Website

If you’re an online business and you have a reasonable active website (say 100+ visitors a day), then it’s about time you planned for (or fast-tracked) a mobile website. There is a trend happening at the moment across every single website we manage for clients – the proportion of mobile visitors to the site is […]

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