Effective CRM Starts by banning the ‘Snooze-Letter’

One of the main problems for digital marketing is born out of eagerness to put the horse before the cart. To clarify… that is to decide on a campaign without a well thought-out strategy.

So it is with much of email marketing. It makes so much sense to use emails over pretty much every other form of direct maketing, and most fault foul of the two most common problems:

  1. The company involved doesn’t even have an opted in email list (and, please don’t get us started in terms of buying email lists… ) Continue reading “Effective CRM Starts by banning the ‘Snooze-Letter’”

How Not To Do Email Marketing: 4 Tips From a Recent Inbox Arrival

We just received this email in our inbox and felt obliged to share it, not because we like specifically ‘naming and shaming’ but because it shows that even the bigger brands can get it wrong. Badly wrong!

So, let’s do a very quick ‘deconstruct’ job on this: Continue reading “How Not To Do Email Marketing: 4 Tips From a Recent Inbox Arrival”

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