Google Instant ‘Coffee’

Just like the instant version of coffee, Google Instant has ‘freeze dried’ the flavour of search and reformed it in a more immediate format. But, just like instant coffee, what you get is a poor imitation of the ‘real thing’. ‘It’s even better and it saves you time’ goes the Google Inc. mantra, yet we’re […]

Apple, Adobe and the Phoney Flash Wars

Even if you don’t work in digital circles, you cannot fail to have noticed one of the big corporate spats from recent times kick off in ‘The Flash Wars’. If you don’t know what we’re referring to, let me get you up to speed: Flash, a software owned by Adobe, is responsible for most of […]

The Case for Thinking Smart… Phones

We think it must have happened sometime this year… a sudden realisation that after all the unnecessary wastage of effort (and marketing spend) on WAP and Apps – yes, you know who you are and are probably still feel the hurt – there is now a compelling case for looking at your site on the […]

The Uncertainty Problem and How it Affects Success

The problem with computers is that they’re black and white. No, not their actual colour, but it’s either a 1 or a 0. You can’t say to a computer that a 0.5 means either / or… or even that it should alternate. It just gives up: “give me a 1 or a 0, I’m not […]

User Interfaces and Bad Experiences

Few businesses really spend enough time on user experience. They think they do, but they don’t – they normally put their needs first and then are surprised when the response is different to what they expected. For smaller businesses much of what they do has to involve some educated guesswork, but it is encouraging that […]

5 Top Mistakes to Avoid in S.E.O.

The ‘art’ of SEO is discussed a lot… but the main issue that is often avoided, which is: ‘is it worth it?’ In this article we tackle this question and offer up the five biggest mistakes you can make when thinking about SEO. 1. YOU NEED HELP GETTING TOP FOR YOUR BRAND NAME As long […]

Gamification – You Know The Score!

Yes, it’s another horrible made-up word… ‘Gamification’  which already has a Wikipedia page, and is likely, in due course to enter one or more English language dictionaries. Why all the fuss? Well, it’s the use of gaming mechanics to make boring bits of life more interesting (to paraphrase the 1,000+ words on Wikipedia). So, if […]

5 Checks: Is Your Site Passive or Active?

A passive site is a website which doesn’t work in the content of the site to develop new opportunities for business growth. It lacks offers, calls to action, links and marketing messages and, as a result, gives visitors every opportunity just to walk away. Here are five quick tests you can take to find out […]

Old Media Fight Back, Or Game Over?

These are both exciting and challenging times as the print media still tries to make revenue out of its’ failings. You could see this as the 12th round of a particularly intense boxing match, with the old champ on the ropes, face bloodied… knowing that returning fire is the only option. The Case for Print […]

How to Value Search Engine Optimisation

One of the common concerns we have with Search Engine Optimisation is that few businesses are fully informed of how to measure the value of performing optimisation and the benefits. The ‘Con’ First Often you’re led to believe that getting to page one of Google is ‘it’ for a reasonably specific keyword phrase, and that […]

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